Sunday, December 13, 2009

Irányítót keresnek katasztrófakockázati integrált kutatások élére, ICSU regionális posztra Malájfölön

Mai postánkból a WGISS elnökétől érkezett az alábbi továbbított felhívás:
"Dear Pakorn
Would you mind to boradcast this position call to all WGISS members? Thanks a lot.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohd Nordin Hasan
Date: 2009/12/11
Subject: FW: Recruitment to post of Executive Director of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme
Dear Li,
Please see e-mail below. Have you got a good candidate for the position? Please help me circulate this as widely as possible if you have not got a good candidate already.
Many thanks.

Emeritus Professor Mohd. Nordin Hasan FASc
ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
902-4 Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-2694-9898
Fax: +603-2691-7961
Mobile: +6012-214-3125


From: Howard MOORE []
Sent: Thursday, 10 December, 2009 11:05 PM
Subject: Recruitment to post of Executive Director of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme

Dear Nordin,

I hope things are well with you. Your Office will have received already the announcement that Maureen sent out yesterday inviting applications for the newly established post of Executive Director of ICSU-ISSC-UNISDR Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme. I’m simply taking the liberty of sending you a copy since you have, I know, a strong interest in pushing forward the hazards activities of ICSU as a priority.
You may also know that the three cosponsors recently accepted the generous offer of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Chinese National Member of ICSU, to host and financially support an International Programme Office for IRDR in Beijing for the duration of the programme (see also second attachment). The Executive Director, as head of this office, will be responsible for the management of IRDR under the authority of the IRDR Scientific Committee, chaired by Gordon McBean. The appointment of an Executive Director of the highest calibre will be of great importance for the success of IRDR, and wish to attract excellent candidates. Could I therefore ask whether you could distribute this Announcement as widely as possible among your own professional and institutional contacts within Asia in the coming days? I know that our timing is tight, so I should be doubly grateful for any help you might give us. Jacinta has already sent it to the communications person at the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research
Do let me know if you would prefer a Word file in order to be able to incorporate the text into any newsletter or whatever.
With best wishes for the approaching holiday season,
Howard Moore, PhD | Senior Advisor
International Council for Science (ICSU)
5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 45 25 06 01 | Fax. +33 1 42 88 94 31 | |

Prof. Guoqing Li
Head of Data Technology Division, Spatial Data Center
Center of Earth Observation and Digital Earth, CAS
Tel 0086+10+62655979
Fax 0086+10+62561215 "
HUNAGI a GSDI szervezet képviseletében megfigyelő tag a CEOS WGISS szervezetben, amely a földmegfigyelési információs és szolgáltató rendszerek munkacsoportja. Tagjai a regionális és nemzeti űrügynökségek, nemzeti tudományos akadémiák és nemzetközi szakmai szervezetek.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Álláslehetőség Potsdamban, a Földtudományok Kutatóközpontjában

GFZ Potsdamban. Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2008

Mai postánkból. Ludo Engelen (SADL, K.U.Leuven) továbbította az alábbi figyelemfelhívást:
"The Working Group Geoinformation Management and Visualization at German Research Centre for Geosciences is seeking candidates for a PhD and a Postdoc position in the interdisciplinary Potsdam Research Cluster for Georisk Analysis, Environmental Change and Sustainability „PROGRESS“ ( The research fields of interest are: a) Visualization of spatiotemporal data quality and uncertainty and b) Geovisual Analytics which combines methods from interactive geovisualization and computational analysis, especially spatio-temporal data mining. (see attached file).
The positions will be filled earliest as possible
The German Research Centre for Geosciences is located at Potsdam, 30 Minutes by car or train south of the centre of Berlin.
Apologies for cross posting.
Prof. Dr. Doris Dransch
Section 1.5: Earth System Modelling
Phone: +49-331-288-1535
FAX: +49-331-288-1163   ...."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Önkéntes téradatgyűjtés témakörben kutatóhelyek nyíltak a JRC-nél

A mai HUNAGI postából:
"VGI Research positions at JRC

More general information about terms and conditions are available:
Dr. Max Craglia
European Commission, Joint Research Centre,
Institute for Environment and Sustainability,
Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit
T.P. 262, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Tel: +39 0332 78 6269
Fax: +39 0332 78 6325

International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Térinformatikai álláslehetőség szomszédos országban

HUNAGI Tagntézményeink Tagszervezeteink figyelmébe!
Ma délutáni németországi megkeresés alapján 2 éves projektálláshoz lehet jutni Horvátországban 2010 januárjától térinformatikai kulcspozicióban, kifizető ügynökség felállítása témakörben.
Komoly érdeklődés, illetve megfelelő tapasztalat és nyelvismeret esetén visszajelzést kérek a címre névjegyszerű adatmegadással, melyet továbbítok a megkereső német félnek.
Ezt követően lehet csak a ToR-hoz hozzájutni. Mint a hasonló esetekben, az alaposság, a diszkréció és gyorsaság döntő. Az alapfetételek a címsorra klikkeléssel olvashatók el.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nemzzetközi hallgatói és gyakornoki csereprogram

Mai postánkból: a CLGE szervezet alelnökétől érkezett:
" Good morning. Hope this email finds you well.
As you may well know, in Rome I informed the delegates that the programme that we have been working on for the past months called: FirstSTEP: Students & Trainees Exchange Programme is now up and running: . It will also be launched at InterGeo 2009 TODAY; I also mentioned that the way forward for us to make this a successful programme will only possible if you give us a helping hand; we need your help to get in touch with your local companies;
Below is an email that I am circulating to as many companies as possible and if you could either call, or email your colleagues within the surveying sector in your country (even using the standard text below) we would appreciate it.
The more companies we have, the wider the choice and the more successful the programme will be.
Thank you.

Dear Sir / Madam,
I am Michelle Camilleri and I am Vice President of Comite de Liaison des Geomtre Europeens (CLGE) and we have just launched a Student & Trainee Exchange Programme called FIRST STEP.
The idea behind this programme is for us, CLGE, to act as a link between the Students & Trainees and the working world. We are looking for companies that are willing to take on board any of these Students or Trainees for any amount of time, be it days, weeks or months.
If you are interested, you can either visit our website on and fill in an application on line or email me directly on and I will inform you on how to proceed.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation and any possible input that you may give to this exchange programme
Thanks & regards
Michelle Camilleri
Vice President - CLGE"
Érdeklődés esetén egyeztetést javaslunk a CLGE hazai összekötőjével ezideig Gombás László úrral (Leica Geosystems Kft),

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

FP7 - Legújabb pályázatok környezeti és Afrika témakörökben

A mai napon érkezett a GEO/GEOSS titkárságáról:
" Dear All,
Please find the text below and associated attachments from the European Commission.
With best regards,
The GEO Secretariat
The Commission has just published a number of calls for funding in 2010, certain of which are relevant to GEO, with some of the topics being very relevant to GEO CB efforts.
Details of the Environment Theme Call, which includes the Sub-Activity on Earth Observation, can be found at:
The Work Programme that goes together with this Call is attached below.
In addition, we have also published a "Call for Africa", which covers 3 themes: Health; Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Bio-technology; Environment.
Details of this call can be found at:
Please note that it isn't easy to get a clear picture of what is included in this Call! (I apologise, but that is the way of the Commission.)
The "Call Fiche", (or call file), provides a summary of what is covered by this call. I've attached this below:
Then I've also attached an "unofficial" file, which tries to bring together all those topics that are labelled as being a part of the "Call for Africa" in the 3 different Work Programmes, Health, Food and Environment.
For further information please contact Alan Edwards at "
Az anyagot mint GSDI GEO levelező kaptam és osztom meg a HUNAGI közösségével. A hivatkozott dokumentumok kérésre hozzáférhetőek. Az információ többsége a linkeken keresztül elérhető.

GSDI Small Grants Program pályázati felhívás

Mai postánkból. A GSDI titkárságáról érkezett a GSDI legújabb hírlevele az alábbi pályázati felhívással:
"The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association is pleased to announce its Small Grants Program for the year 2009-10.
* Awards for spatial data infrastructure or EOS-related activities in economically disadvantaged nations,
* Application deadline of 1 October 2009,
* 4000 words maximum,
* Awards of $2500 USD in cash and/or contributed volunteer professional services for the project
The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association is dedicated to international cooperation and collaboration in support of local, national, and international spatial data infrastructure developments that would allow nations to better address social, economic, and environmental issues of pressing importance. We are committed to bringing about an infrastructure that will allow users globally to access spatial data at a variety of scales from multiple sources that ultimately will appear seamless to all users. The GSDI Association supports the work of organizations to develop their own SDI initiatives, nationally and regionally, and collaborates with local, national, and international organizations to ensure that spatial data, services, and metadata are accessible through interoperable standards-based services, systems, software, and products that operate in a web-enabled environment. The success of the GSDI Association depends on the quality of its partnerships with
public, private, academic, and non-governmental organizations. Through adoption of common, international standards, key architecture principles, and approaches for capacity building in developing countries, the GSDI initiatives also link national SDI efforts with the vision and goals of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) and its Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS).
The GSDI is being advanced through the leadership of many nations and organizations represented by a GSDI Association Council and Board of Directors. The multi-national Board includes representatives from all continents and all sectors: government, academia, and the private sector as well as regional SDI initiatives referred to as permanent committees:
* Africa: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Committee on Development Information: Geo Subcommittee (CODI-GEO)
* Americas: Pan-American Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH)
* Asia and Pacific: Permanent Committee for Geographic Information for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) (ex-officio)
* Europe: European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information (EUROGI)
Please visit the GSDI Association website ( to familiarize yourself with the mission, goals, programs, accomplishments and priorities of the organization.
The GSDI Association, along with partners and participants, has allocated resources from the U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee and the GISCorps of URISA, to fund a small grants program to support national or sub-national activities that foster partnerships, develop in-country technical capacity, improve data compatibility and access, and increase political support for spatial data infrastructure and earth observations application development. These resources will be used to offer two types of grants this year:
* Cash up to 2,500 USD to be used on your project, and/or
* Professional Services applied to your project
Professional Services will be coordinated by the GISCorps, an international initiative that offers GIS services by qualified economies. Support may focus on technical or institutional projects, as long as tangible outputs and several institutions collaborate on the effort. A list of typical projects follows but this list is not exhaustive:
* Convening of national or sub-national seminars or workshops related to SDI
* Producing SDI- and EO-related training manuals and modules (these materials must not duplicate existing materials)
* Establishing metadata and clearinghouse nodes
* Establishing web mapping services and applications
* Accomplishing Geodata and/or SDI surveys or inventories
* Producing and disseminating newsletters and awareness-raising materials about SDI
* Drafting policy and legislation related to SDI
Priority will be given to projects in developing nations and countries with economies in transition. Grants can be awarded to SDI coordinating bodies (councils, committees) and GIS user groups, but the GSDI Association asks that one institution take responsibility for receiving/depositing the funds. Grants will not cover organization overhead expenses.
Proposals should include information under the following headings:
1. Title of Project/Activity
2. Focal Point Institution
3. Contact Person (business street address, phone/fax, email, and website)
4. Introduction and Background (include a description of the national or local institutional framework and what has been achieved thus far)
5. Project Description
6. Summary of Deliverables
7. Period of Performance (time-line for overall project, deadline dates for deliverables, date of final project report to be submitted to
8. Indicate your preference for an award of cash or professional services.
9. Budget (itemize how the money is to be spent or the predicated extent of services needed for specific tasks)
a. If one or more GISCorps volunteers are requested please indicate that in your GSDI application and also provide a description of tasks requested of volunteer professional(s) and other information at Use the "New Project" link on this page to complete the request for GISCorps volunteer assistance.
10. Details of additional or in-kind funds to co-finance the activity
11. List of Collaborators (with contact information)
12. Envisioned Follow-up Activities
13. Appendix: May include the Final Reports from any previous GSDI Small Grant Awards

Proposals must be submitted digitally to in English and should be preferably two pages in length but no more than three pages or 4000 words (excluding any appendices). Please submit your proposal as a .pdf file (or alternatively .doc or .rtf file) using 12-point Times Roman or Arial font.
We anticipate funding up to 12 Grants in Cash and up to 4 Grants in Professional Services. Grant funds will be issued as paper checks in US dollars drawn on US Banks or as wire transfers. If the recipient chooses to receive funds by wire transfer, $50 US will be deducted from the award amount to cover the processing costs for the wire transfer. The recipient institution will be required to provide a project report and an expense report upon completion of the project. The GSDI Association may include excerpts of the project reports in GSDI newsletters or on its website. Awardees are encouraged to publish a local press release highlighting the award from the GSDI Association as well as the proposed activities, and to send copies of these to the GSDI Association.
Proposals are due on 1 October 2009. Please e-mail them to:
Societal Impacts Committee
GSDI Association
For more information about the GSDI or to subscribe to the GSDI News List, please see For questions about this request for proposals, please contact
Note: The Small Grants Program is intended as a benefit of "full membership" in the GSDI Association. Because the GSDI Association is fairly young, we are making this opportunity available currently to non-members as well. However, full members may obtain favored treatment in the instance in which two grant applications have been ranked similarly in the peer review process. Note that the annual GSDI Association membership fee for national organizations in low and very low per capita income nations may be as little as US$100 or documented in-kind contributions in lieu of dues. Please see "

FP7 - Űrkutatás, űralkalmazások pályázati kiírás

Mai postánkból. A Magyar Űrkutatási Iroda az alábbi pályázati felhívást adta közre, amely számot tarthat a HUNAGI egyes tagszervezetei és tagintézményei érdeklődésére is.
"Tisztelt Kollégák!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önöket az FP7 Space 3. pályázati felhívásáról.
- A pályázatot a Bizottság 2009. július 30-án tette közzé. A benyújtási határidő december 8-a. A felhívással meghirdetett teljes összeg mintegy 114 millió euró, ami jelentős növekmény az első és a második pályázathoz képest. Idén a korábbinál hangsúlyosabb szerepet kap a Space Foundations fejezet, azon belül is az űrtechnológia, űrtudomány és különböző alapkutatások, valamint az űrszállítás, de továbbra nominálisan a GMES-Kopernikus fejezet is megnövekedett.
Az FP7-tel kapcsolatban tájékoztatjuk az érdeklődőket, hogy szeptember 15-16-án Varsóban európai információs napot szervez a Bizottság az NCP-k és a pályázaton indulni szándékozók számára. A korábbi hasonló rendezvények bizonyítják ezen alkalmak hasznosságát, hiszen a régi EU-tagállamokból Varsóba látogatók nagy része azért érkezik majd, hogy konkrét feladatokra, konkrét pályázatokra konzorciumi partnert találjon a képviselt kelet-európai országból. Mivel az új pályázati felhívás pályázatai 2 millió euróval lesznek támogathatók egyenként (a teljes konzorciumra), ezért egy-egy partner is több százezer eurós összeggel gazdálkodhat. Javasoljuk ezért, hogy a pályázaton indulni kívánók vegyenek részt a szeptemberi eseményen. A pályázatról bővebb információkat a CORDIS honlapján olvashatnak.
MŰI Titkárság"