Monday, August 31, 2015

Megpályázható a FIG 2020.évi munkahét rendezési joga

A FIG mai körlevelében hív fel arra a lehetőségre, hogy november végéig benyújtható a FIG 2020. évi Munkahete rendezési jogának elnyeréséhez szükséges pályázati anyag. A győztest a FIG Közgyűlés választja majd ki az újzélandi Christchurchben tartandó ülésén 2016. május 2-6 között. 

Call for bids – are you interested in hosting FIG Working Week 2020
FIG member associations are invited to consider making a bid to host the FIG Working Week 2020 together with FIG. At its meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand 2 and 6 May 2016, the FIG General Assembly will select the host and venue for the Working Week 2020. The Council has prepared bidding guidelines for making the bid. These guidelines explain in detail the information that is required for a successful bid.
Deadline: 30 November 2015
A FIG menedzsere, Louise Friis-Hansen által küldött júliusi-augusztusi FIG elektronikus hírlevélből legyen itt még további két hír:
FIG a közösségi médiában
Előfizetés a FIG e-Newsletter szolgáltatsra
"The monthly e-Newsletter is mailed to all members, commission delegates and all interested partners. FIG offers the e-Newsletter to all members of member associations and other interested in FIG. If you don't already get your copy you can order it now at: 
If you want to cancel your subscription please send an email to the FIG office, email:"

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A NASA "Nyílt innováció" programja

A GSDI Legal and SocioEcon szakbizottsági listáján Kate Lance PhD (Yale Egyetem) adta közre az alábbi közérdekű figyelemfelhívást. Akiket érdekelnek a hasonló lehetőségek, regisztráljanak a GSDI legalul megadott hírleveire. Költségmentes! 
"NASA is seeking researchers to evaluate technology design contests, and to use data analytics to formulate better challenges, according to a new solicitation. 

The agency is attempting to examine its "Open Innovation" programs -- often large, crowdsourced design challenges open to the public. NASA is looking for research on the "empirically-validated science" of open innovation tournaments, such as the "design parameters" that could encourage innovation, among other information.

See notice: NASA Open Innovation Research 
Solicitation Number: NNH15HEOMD002L
Response deadline: September 2, 2015 

The research will apply both to NASA and other government agencies. According to the solicitation for sources, the team NASA selects should be able to, among other tasks:

Provide presentations and training to educate federal employees on using open innovation
Evaluate the architecture, and scoring mechanisms, of open innovation challenges
List plans to use data science to design open innovation challenges 

NASA has been experimenting with open innovation for several years. For instance, since 2012, the space agency has hosted a series of "Space Apps" challenges during which participants use publicly released open data to make apps that could potentially be useful to the agency.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Citizen generated data - DataShift pilot-project pályázati felhívások

Kép forrása: DataShift Briefing Note a weboldalán
Kate Lance PhD, (Yale Egyetem) írja a GSDI regionális hírleveleiben illetve a Legal and SocioEcon szakbizottság körlevelében az alábbi figyelemfelhívást. 
Közreadása három okból is közérdekű:
- lehetőségre hívja fel a figyelmet,
-a napjainka egyre inkább érvényesülő trend a tárgya,
- és nem utolsó sorban az, hogy minél több hazai érdeklődő regisztráljon az egyébként ingyenes előfizetésre, mellyel a jövőben rendszeresen hozzájuthat releváns információkhoz és kapcsolódjon be a GSDI szakmai közösségébe. A szervezetnek egyéni tagjai is lehetnek.

"DataShift ( ) launched three calls for researchers based in three DataShift pilot locations: Argentina, East Africa (Tanzania and Kenya), and Nepal. The research will focus on the long-term impact of citizen-generated data initiatives. 
The deadline for submissions for this research project has been extended until 18.00 CEST on Wednesday, 19th August 2015
DataShift sees citizen-generated data as data that people or their organisations produce to directly monitor, demand or drive change on issues that affect them. It is actively given by citizens, providing direct representations of their perspectives and an alternative to datasets collected by governments or international institutions. See recently published DataShift briefing that explains what citizen generated data is and why it is important at:

This scope of work is projected to include:
- Identification of at least five (preferably ongoing or completed) citizen-generated data initiatives based in the respective pilot locations that address issues relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals. Selection of initiatives will be determined in consultation with the DataShift team.
- An in-depth assessment of each initiative’s long-term or ongoing impact, looking especially at:
Use of the data: Has the data been used by policy makers, civil society organisations or other actors – and if so, how?

Data quality: Are any levels of verification built into the initiative? How sound is the data, particularly if it comes from multiple sources?

Sustainability of the initiative: What is the initiative’s projected lifespan? Is this clearly indicated? Are there plans to maintain the initiative’s online presence after the period of data collection ends?

Local context: How is data on the topics that citizen-generated data initiatives address received at the local level: is it considered to be trustworthy?
- A summary of key findings and trends, drawn from the assessed initiatives.
Potential researchers for this contract should submit their CV together with an indicative budget and two-page statement on how they would approach this piece of work and their relevant experience. Bids should be sent by 18.00 CEST on Wednesday 19th August.
The maximum budget for the work is USD2,500. For more details, please see the links below for the calls for proposals:

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