Friday, January 18, 2019

Kutatók bevonása az adatpolikikák befolyásolása céljából egy RDA felmérés révén

A Research Data Alliance felmérésébe be lehet kapcsolódni mindazon kutatóknak, kik eseteik ismertetésével, közreadásával segíteni tudják a kutatók jobb adatelérését, a kapcsolódó adatpolitika jobb irányba való befolyásolását. A felhívást az ICSU CODATA szervezete keresztül kaptam.
"Dear RDM colleagues:

I am writing to request your participation in a “Researcher Engagement with data management: what works?” survey of the Research Data Alliance. And to ask you to share my email with contacts in your institution or your networks/country so we can collect as many examples as possible.

Our project aims to collect use case studies from different organisations and institutions around the globe on how to engage researchers with research data management. The collected case studies will be published on the RDA website and as an open textbook. We believe we can learn from each other’s experience and hope to create a useful resource for organisations and institutions which are looking to increase their engagement with their research communities, as explained in our blog post.

Please click on the link below to get started. The survey takes an average of 20 minutes to be completed. We look forward to reading your stories, preferably before February 3, 2019!

Take the survey:

If you have any questions about this survey, or while completing the survey, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you in advance for your input.

Yan Wang
on behalf of the RDA Researcher Engagement Project"