Sunday, March 17, 2013

Geoinformatica Polonia - nemzetközi térinformatikai szaklap szerkesztőségi testületébe keres tudományos szakembereket

Geoinformatica Polonia szerkesztőbizottsági munkatársakat keres!

  • ISSN: 1642-2511 (print version)
  • Owner: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Publisher: Versita, Warsaw, Poland
  • Distributor: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences

Mai postánkból. Volt EU-s eSDINetPlus projekttársunk, Dr. Ing. Artur Krawczyk írja mai levelében:
" I am writing this email on behalf of the head of the Commission on Geoinformation of PAU (Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences) Tadeusz Chrobak.
 We are looking for GI scientists from abroad willing to join to the editorial board of the journal Geoinformatica Polonica.
 Your participation can give us really great help to change our local Journal into international level.
From 6 months we have made a lot changes regarding to our
Journal (new publisher, new requirements about publishing in English language only and others minor changes).
 If anyone is interested please contact me
 1) Link to the Journal
2) The history of PAU - Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
3) Some information about PAU Commission on Geoinformation:
Chairperson: Tadeusz Chrobak
Deputy Chairperson: Jan Olędzki, Marian Noga
Secretary: Konrad Eckes
Delegate for Publications: Krystian Pyka
This Commission was founded in 1998. Its focus of interests, in keeping with the definition of geoinformation,
is methodology collecting, storing, analyzing, and presenting data pertaining to terrestrial time and space,
using the appropriate information technology. This involves information regarding the Earth itself and the objects,
 phenomena, and processes encountered on and beneath the surface of the Earth.
Research topics may include the physical environment and its properties,
or natural and anthropogenic resources, as well as the changes taking place in these resources.
Due to the composite nature of the discipline, the Commission includes geologists, geophysicists,
geodetic scientists, specialists in photogrametry and teledetection, representatives
of mining-related sciences, information specialists, and geographers.
The main task of the Commission is to facilitate the exchange of experiences among
specialists from different disciplines involved with geoinformation, to stimulate the development
of this branch of science, and to promulgate its results.
The Commision's basic forms of activity include holding monthly scientific meetings, as well
as organizing or co-organizing national and international scientific conferences.
The results are published in the periodical Geoinformatica Polonica."

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