Thursday, October 12, 2006

Álláshelyek a Bécsi Műegyetemen!
Pedestrian navigation by LBS. Exercise during the Digital Earth Conference Tokyo, 2005. Image: HUNAGI Visuals Resource, 2005

Helyfüggő szolgáltatás és gyalogos navigáció
Szemantikus útkeresés

Tagszervezetünk vezetője, Zentai professzor írja:
"Nem tudom illeszkedik-e valahová a blogos rendszerben ez a két állásjánlat a
bécsi egyetemre (PhD fokozat előfeltétel).
Ha igen, kérlek tedd közzé!"
Zentai László térképész, tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár
ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Tel: 2090555/6723, 3722975, fax: 3722951 -

We offer a position as Research Assistant for the topic
LBS and Pedestrian Navigation

Graduates of Cartography, Geodesy, Informatics, Geography, Geoinformation or other equal university studies
Development of methods and models for LBS and pedestrian navigation systems
Interest in Ubiquitous Computing and Mobile Internet
Cooperation with our scientific partners within a FWF project
Master degree
Independence, flexibility and ability to work in a team
Analytical thinking and interest in scientific work
Knowledge in written and spoken English

Estimated start of the project: January 1st, 2007

We offer you the possibility to work within a research group at the Vienna University of Technology. Interest in fulfilling a PhD is a precondition. Payment according to scheme of FWF (
Please send your application documents to Prof. Dr. Georg Gartner,

We offer a position as Research Assistant for the topic
Semantic Wayfinding

Graduates of Cartography, Geodesy, Informatics, Geography, Geoinformation or other equal university studies
Development of methods and models in the field of semantic wayfinding
Interest in Ubiquitous Computing and Mobile Internet
Cooperation with our scientific partners
Master degree
Independence, flexibility and ability to work in a team
Analytical thinking and interest in scientific work
Knowledge in written and spoken English

Estimated start of the project: January 1st, 2007

We offer you the possibility to work within a research group at the Vienna University of Technology. Interest in fulfilling a PhD is a precondition.
Please send your application documents to Prof. Dr. Georg Gartner,

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