Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Közeleg a Copernicus Masters 2014 pályázat beadási határideje!

Mai postánkból. Együttműködő partnerszervezetünk, az MLBKT főtitkára Kőhegyi Anita asszony továbbította számunkra az alábbi figyelemfelhívó megkeresését. A Copernicus Masters 2014. évi pályázatáról van szó, melyről a HUNAGI Napló április 19-én adott közre figyelemfelhívást. Amenyiben a HUNAGI közösségében bárki beszerzési, készletezési, logisztikai alkalmazási területen kívánna indulni a Copernicus Masters megmérettetésén, HUNAGI - együttműködve az MLBKT-val a rendelkezésére álló lehetőségek határán belül támogatja azt. javasoljuk még érdeklődő tagjainknak és partnereink számára az előfizetést a Copernicus Masters Newsletter-re. Biztatásul: az elmúlt évben sikeresen szerepelt (nyertes lett) a Copernicus Masters pályázaton a BCE színekben induló és tagszervezetünknél a GeoAdat Kft-nél dolgozó fejlesztő kolléga Fülöp György. Minden további információ hiteles forráshelye:‎ 

A továbbított üzenet:
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:32 AM
Subject: Copernicus Masters: The Future of Transport and Logistics

Dear Anita Kohegyi,
Have you ever thought about exploiting Earth observation data in the field of transport logistics?
Using current satellite data in combination with in-situ data has become an essential information source in meeting today's mobility challenges. Thanks in particular to data derived from the European Earth observation programme Copernicus, which recently became operational with the launch of the first Sentinel satellite, myriad transport and logistics applications are now possible, including in:

  • Supporting road planning and railway infrastructure (e.g. by determining the best routes, calculating the amount of earth to be excavated or filled in, locating structures, and evaluating costs)
  • Identifying safe and efficient ship transportation routes (through ice monitoring/forecasting or vessel tracking, for example)
  • Improving flight safety (such as by monitoring and forecasting aerosols and ash plumes following volcanic eruptions or by nowcasting thunderstorms with real-time atmospheric data, as in the case of a volcanic eruption)

    Now it's your turn:
    Sign up for the Transport and Logistics Challenge by the Satellite Applications Catapult, submit your innovative application or service idea, and don't miss the chance to win a support package tailor-made for your proposal (including £10,000 worth of technical and commercial expertise, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and more).
    The Satellite Applications Catapult invites anyone to create new innovative applications and/or services that exploit satellite Earth observation imagery within the transport and logistics domain. Participants are encouraged to explore the integration of Earth observation with in-situ data to create a higher level product or service.
    Established by the Technology Strategy Board, the Satellite Applications Catapult is an independent innovation and technology company, created to foster growth across the economy through the exploitation of space. It helps organisations make use of and benefit from satellite technologies, and brings together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment.
    Since 2011, the Copernicus Masters competition is annually awarding prizes to innovative solutions for business and society based on Earth observation data. Along with cash prizes, the winners will receive technical support in realising their ideas, access to satellite data, and start-up support from a prize pool worth a total of more than EUR 300,000. In 2014, for the first time, the Copernicus Masters is carried out on a worldwide basis. Geared primarily toward start-ups and other companies, researchers, and students, the competition will require entrants to submit their applications before 13 July 2014 at
    For more information, please visit:
    Check out last year's overall winner, who took home the grand prize for his landmark-based navigation system for highly automated driving. This innovation combines radar satellite data with optical or radar-based vehicle systems to achieve centimetre-level accuracy.
    We are looking forward to your contribution.
    Best regards,
    Lara Schaflinger
    Project Manager
    Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen
    Friedrichshafener Straße 1
    D-82205 Gilching
    Tel.: +49(0)8105-77277-23
    Fax.: +49(0)8105-77277-55
    Subscribe for our Copernicus Masters Newsletter"
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