Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Térinfomatikával támogatott gyors helyzetfelismerési megoldások - Belga cég keres magyar partnereket.

Forrás: Luciad NV
A Belga Királyság Nagykövetsége mellett működő FIT ügynökség közbenjárásával érkezett, a Lucian belga flamand cég partnerkeresési felhívását adjuk közre. Cedric Eggerickx úr, régiónk üzleti kapcsolatfejlesztési menedzsere  írja:
"....Luciad provides Software components for the rapid development of Situational Awareness Solutions (or GIS). Our components offer a unique combination of performance and accuracy and enable fusion of any data source, visualization and in-depth analysis of such data. Our products are developed in order to meet the specific requirements of the Defense, Security and Aviation markets. We have plenty of references within NATO, Eurocontrol, Ministries of Defense around the world,…where our components are used in C4ISR systems, BMS, Future soldier, ATC/ATM systems,… but also Infrastructure, Pipeline Management, Railway ,Police, Border Protection, Cris/Disaster Management, Cadastrial projects, telephony, River Navigation,...
 (highlighted by the Editor)
We would therefore be very pleased and grateful to have the opportunity to evaluate with you what kind of synergies could be established with some major GIS players in Hungary...."
Érdeklődés esetén a kapcsolatfelvételhez szükséges adatok a hunagi@hunagi.hu címen érhetőek el.

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